Parking Token Request Form Requestor name *Requestor Email Address *Visitor name *Visitor attendance date *Required if more than 1 dayStart time *HoursMinutesAMPMEnd Time *HoursMinutesAMPMChartfields to use *Send Message Order Request Form-Technology orders refer to DCPIT Requestor name *Requestor Email Address *Requestor Phone *Non-Technology-List items for purchase *Funding information *Upload back up documentation or attachmentsDepartment funding or another individual's funding, please upload approvalChoose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileEstimated cost *USDAdditional information for purchaseSend Message Visitor Request Form Requestor's Name: *Requestor's email: *Name of visitor *Email Address of visitor *Reason for visit?Student RecruitmentFaculty RecruitmentLecture/Event/WorkshopTeaching/Attending a courseOtherPlease explain *Is this an international visitor? *yesnoi don't knowWill this visitor need a visa? *What will this visitor need? (check all that apply)HonorariumTravel arrangementsPlaque or physical award presentationParking tokenOtherHonorarium Amount *Types of travel expenses related. Select all that apply *AirfareHotelRental car or other transportationMileage reimbursement (usually for Florida visitors)Travel reimbursement (visitor pays up front and gets reimbursed by UF)OtherPlease explain *Please add any additional informationSend Message HR Request Forms New Hire Request Form Requestor name *Requestor Email *New hire's name *New hire's email *What is the UFID number, if known?0 / 8Is this a foreign national? *yesYesNoI don't knowWhat is the funding source? Please enter the chartfields. If multiple, please enter a % for each. *What type of hire is this? *FacultyFacultyTeams Exempt (Salary)Teams Non-Exempt (Hourly)Regular OPSStudent Assistant (OPS student)Graduate AssistantPost-Doctoral AssociateFellowshipWhat kind of OPS *OPS-As needed (CAS req, no time limit)OPS-Secondary (CAS req, used for a 2nd appt, eg. adjunct)OPS-Time Limited (CAS req, new hires ONLY, time limited)OPS-Sponsored Project Non-Clerical (No CAS, time limited)OPS Sponsored Project Clerical (CAS req, time limited)OPS-Contract Service (CAS req, eg. website development)OPS-Special Project (CAS req, egOPS-Seasonal (less than 120 days of employ)What is the FTE (hours worked per week)? *What is the hourly rate or annual salary? *$Tentative Start Date *End Date *Description of job duties *Anything else I should know about this hire?0 / 1000Send Message Current Employee Job Edits or Termination Requestor's Name *Name of employee to update *UFID, if knownEmployee's home department *Department of Employee15040100-Landscape Architecture15040300-Center for Landscape Conservation Planning15060100-Urban & Regional Planning15060300-GEOplan15060500-MURP OnlineEffective Date of job edit? *Type of edit or termination *TerminateUpdate FTESalary IncreaseUpdate employee departmentUpdate SupervisorFTESalary increase hourly or salaryDept ID # or Dept NameUpdate SupervisorLast day of employment *What is the reason for the increase? *What is the reason for the FTE update? *Send Message Faculty Summer Appointment Requests Name *Email *Appointment Length *Summer ASummer BSummer CFunding Source *0 / 1000Hours worked per week *Hours worked per week will be translated into FTETotal Salary *Total stipend amount for summer appointment not including fringe. Must match funding sourcesJob DutiesConfirm Booking